Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The morning rush alarm goes off at 5.30am.......I stir....stretch my hand out & just manage to shut it off....nothing to panic...I have plenty of time. Then my second alarm goes off at 6.00am......I have to get myself out of the shut it off.......but again I crawl back.....just 5 mins...I tell myself.....which at times becomes 10 mins!

Then.....its rush rush! Rush to the bathroom......grab my clothes... depending on the time that I have, I choose my clothes......whether it needs ironing or not. Make-up.....jewellery times I have to shove these in my be put later. Like yesterday, I forgot to wear my watch, my rings, earrings....I even forgot to shove it in my my rush to leave for work!

I tell myself....I must...I should get out of bed when the first alarm goes off....but then.....I love the early morning sleep......and then starts the morning rush........

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