Monday, December 24, 2007

Politics on my mind

Still under the influence of Iraqi Bloggers, I continue with my musing on Politics....

Whoever said "Politics is dirty" is right in a way.......but I find it interesting....I always have.

I am fascinated with the clean & nice image one presents.......and when you go on to read or hear about some of the deeds they were to have is not too sure...but then one have/had to understand the times and the circumstances........and whether or if, it was actually necessary or called for.

Like a coin, there's always two sides of it....but in the present time can we clearly say that one is right and the other wrong or one is good the other bad? I guess now its become a choice of choosing between the two evil.

If Iraq was a living hell during Saddam, what is it like after Saddam? Has the situation improved or has it become worse?! Whose support did Saddam enjoy in the earlier years? What is it that they say about controlling the oil barrels? Who is pulling the string? Who is controlling whom?

Yes, Saddam was bad and needed to be put on trial but why was Idi Amin allowed to go scot free? Why was he not put on trial? Was he not responsible for the abuses on human rights, ethnic persecutions.... hundreds of thousands murdered in the torture chambers? Why was he not extradited from where he had relocated after fleeing his own country? Initially, who/which country helped him to get him to power in spite of knowing his past deeds?

What about Afghanistan? The country continues to reel under the after effects of the war raged as a consequence to Bush Administration's campaign of "War on Terrorism". The Taliban Government has been toppled but is it over?!

The consequence of a war is the collateral damage. Is there any way to avoid this? The destruction of innocent human lives is what saddens me most.


Muhannad said...

"The consequence of a war is the collateral damage. Is there any way to avoid this? The destruction of innocent human lives is what saddens me most."

I agree, Mirandian. Iraq has suffered incredible collateral damage, during this war and in previous wars.

I find it interesting though that most Arabs seem to blame all collateral damage on the US, even when it's obvious that a great number of Iraqis have been killed by Iraqis and non-Iraqi Arabs. There was a feeling among many Iraqis that Saddam would never let go of power in Iraq without destroying Iraq first.

Iraqi Mojo said...

Mirandian, how did you post the slideshow in your sidebar? That's really cool!

Mirandian said...

Regarding "There was a feeling among many Iraqis that Saddam would never let go of power in Iraq without destroying Iraq first." would be knowing about quite a few people feeling that Saddam was the one who stood up to the Americans and of course you have quite a few supporters like Blogger Layla Anwar who feels that Saddam was a great man who did good for the people.

Personally I felt that Saddam played on this Sunni/Shia/Kurds card. A true leader would not have had this separatism policy. And I don’t like anyone playing the Big Bully and somehow Bush comes across as one who has been/is playing this role.

Iraqi Mojo, I am glad you found the slideshow thingie cool! It's easy. Load your photos on any site and add the slideshow on to your template! Need more details, let me know!