Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Oh! the frustrations of working for a large Organization

Oh! the frustrations one has to go through.......working for a large organization! Getting things done from another department is like getting it done from another company! The attitude is not of that all of us working for the same company!

Being in the Brand Merchandising Department we have to deal with all other Support Departments like Finance, IT, Warehouse, Logistics, etc in our daily working. One would expect, working for the same company that things would get done faster. Instead, we have to plead, cajole & argue to get things done. The general feeling we get is that of dealing with an outside company. Sometimes we feel, dealing with an outside company would be better!

These Support Departments feel that the Merchandising Department does not do anything and just sit in front of the PC, with the phone stuck in one ear! The Finance & the IT guys have an attitude of being super intelligent & doing much productive work while the Warehouse guys feel that they are the ones who are doing all the hard labor! What these Departments don't understand is that we are Jack of all trades. We have to do a little bit of everything! We are involved in the Buying, Production, Shipping, Sales, Merchandising, Warehouse Picking, Marketing, Claims, Pricing, Store IT issues, etc.

I guess, the age old saying....."The grass is greener the other side" is so true!


ra said...

hey wanna them?

im willing to bet these "specialists" (warehouse not included) wont last a week sitting on our chairs.

my question is why are some of them even getting paid to do absolutely nothing? and you will have a fair idea of who all i could be referring to........

ra said...

my first line should read "wanna kill them"

lauren bergold said...

it's not that i don't believe you or sympathize...BUT...i work for a very *small* company and share many of the same frustrations! on the other hand, in my case, i can generally figure out how to either do without or do it myself!

i wonder how many of the great innovators & entrepeneurs were not motivated so much by the conviction of their dream, but just sheer frustration at having to work for--and with--incompetent others?!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I feel exactly the same. I work in a corporation of moderate size... but it is indeed frustrating getting things done.

I'm a sales rep, and also have to do a bit of everything.=(

Mirandian said...

Rolandog, let these guys not get the better of us! We shall over come!