Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My connection with "Apoorva Dance Theater"

A sketch.....a comment.....a website......that was the chain reaction. In a matter of few hours, I travelled.....to more than 10 years back!

I was new to the Bangalore city. I had taken up the job offer at the branch office......to re-group my thoughts and possibly to experience a change of scenario......my life was going nowhere. The culture of sitting late in the office was not prevalent here....I had plenty of time at the end of the day. I joined "Alliance Francaise" to learn French. I always wanted to learn a foreign language and French was my favourite....and now I had the time! The after office French classes, for want of students was shifted to the morning batch. I now attended the morning classes, after which it was rush-rush to the office.

My evenings were left free and what better way than to enroll myself for some Dance Classes! There were these classes in the "Alliance" that I could join. I love dancing, even though I can't dance for nuts! I am terrible! I wanted to join, one Modern Jazz Group....unfortunately the timing didn't suit me. Then, I was introduced to this lovely girl, Tripura Kashyap and she took me under her wings, right away! I found her alone, doing her dance routine out on the terrace. She was so welcoming and when I told her that I was a non-dancer and had a regular job and so could only come after the office hours, she was most accommodating! I was now part of "Apoorva Dance Theater". The other members too were very welcoming and most understanding to my limitations and awkward movements. I really enjoyed being part of the group. We were invited to Mumbai for the "Anand Shanker Ballet Festival"..............and I was there in one of the piece/performance! Yes! I danced on stage to a Live audience on a national level!

The flashback brought nostalgia.....I wrote to my friend, Tripura. I heard from her today and guess what she said....just last week she met up with the guys who were in our Group and they were talking about me....wondering where I was and what I was doing! Is this telepathy?! I hope someday, I meet her and the guys once again....It would be so lovely!


Shoonyata said...

beautiful...why dont you plan to be in Bangalore during Dec 08... Attakkalari is organising a world wide Contemporary dance Fest... showcasing the best of India and International groups.

Mirandian said...

Shoon, thanks! The Fest would be awesome....and I would love to be there! I have made a mental note...under things to do in 2008!