Saturday, September 15, 2007

Happy Birthday, Brother!

Today is my youngest brother's birthday. He is a grown man now....has a sweet wife & 2 adorable daughters. He runs his own NGO, a creche and an orphanage........he is a responsible person. To me though, he will always be my little brother. I have always felt the need to look out for him.... from the people who would take advantage of him....advise him on how to run things.... and so many other small things.... just like when he was a little kid. There's a song that I remember we were taught in school.......

"Is this the little girl I carried? Is this the little boy at play?
I don't remember growing older, when did they?
When did she grow to be a beauty? When did he grow to be so tall?
I don't remember growing older, when did they?"

Yes, it's so true........I don't remember growing older.........

"Happy Birthday, Brother!"


Wide Angle said...

Thanks a lot Sis.

lauren bergold said...

"sunRIIIIIIIIISE, sunset!
sunRIIIIIIIISE, sunset!"

HA--it's soooo funny b/c that's the song i'm always singing to the little nieces! (& they have no idea what i'm talking about!)

also...would you believe MY little brother had a *milestone* birthday this week, as well?! i keep telling him, "i remember when you were YOUNGER than me!) :)

happy birthday, mary's brother! (ps: older sisters are ALMOST ALWAYS right!!!) (sorry about that!)