Friday, September 14, 2007

If you want to get to the top,........

Having worked in many companies........ organizations......I do know first hand what people do / can do..... just to reach to the next level.

Apart from the obvious method.........being a "Yes" person, there are other subtle ways people employ to get into the good books or into the view of the Management. Some have taken up to smoking so that they could do their networking in the "Smoke Room"......... our office area being "Non Smoking". Some insist on running down to "Starbucks" each time they see the "Boss" going.....pretending that they too desperately need to have a "Latte" or a "Frappachino" to get the next brainwave?..........inspite of the fact that we have a "Tea Boy" who serves us tea/coffee on our desk at regular intervals! Some, if the "Boss" is sitting late.....make sure that they too are hanging around!

Yes! If you want to get to the top, one has to be prepared to kiss a lot of the bottom!

1 comment:

lauren bergold said...

...yeah...this is probably why i've never quite made it to the top, myself!!! :)