Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Dress Policy

Our Company's Retail Group is divided into - Fashion & Footwear (where I work), Health & Beauty and Food & Beverage. However, surprisingly it has always been the Fashion & Footwear Division which has been receiving memos on the "Dress Policy" only!

The earliest that I have managed to get hold of, dates back to July 2000.
This states that the Company Owner has "kindly agreed that the business could implement a "dress down" policy..... male employees no longer need to wear jackets and ties..........however we do ask that all staff dress in accordance with the local cultural sensitivities and adhere to the following............
1. Sat to Wed - No denim should be worn.
2. Sat to Wed - No sleeveless clothing or round neck T-shirts should be worn.
3. Sat to Wed - No "trainers" should be worn.
4. On visits to our Partners outside.......dress mirror....of the Partner.......when in doubt........ FORMAL.
Your co-operation...................."

Then again in June 2005 another memo is sent to all F&F Personnel.
"Whereas, the Company.............with immediate effect........adopt a SMART casual image or FORMAL business attire.
For men - long sleeve or short sleeve flat woven shirts (with or without tie) trousers or chinos but not denim jeans. Business shoes and not trainers or sandals.
For women - long sleeve or short sleeve blouses/shirt, trousers or skirts or dresses are allowable. However vests, singlets "Strapy tops" or denim jeans should not be worn. Court shoes or sandals should be worn, however flip-flops and trainers should not be worn.
National dress is allowed.
Thursday remains as "dress down" day."

One would think from these memos which is so explicit....all would be adhering the dress code... but no....this is not so. For a couple of girls who insist on wearing "boob tubes" (beat that! in the Middle East! in office!) or strappy tops displaying their ample assets and who would distract the men whenever they pass by...............all have to put up with such memos & reminders!

We had another reminder.........sometime last year. The Managing Director wrote "It is becoming increasingly more difficult..........to distinguish "Dress Down Thursday" from any other day! (Nothing to do with dementia) The dress code......is BUSINESS DRESS....How come I see it and you don't? There is company policy.....as senior management you are responsible for implementation......Over to you."

What I would like to say, is that if the dressing of some is unsuitable to the cultural environment even after repeated memos & reminders, rather than the whole lot of us being subjected to......... they only should be given the memos which would make them realise what is expected of them in terms of dressing for work. Secondly, being in the Fashion Business, I do not see why we cannot wear denim on weekdays. One could be smartly dressed in Jeans & a shirt or a top/blouse. It depends on how one wears it. We are not in Hospitality Industry..........so the Business Dress does not make sense to me at all! Over to you!

1 comment:

lauren bergold said...

well, i think there are two points here: whether the policy is being effectively implemented and whether it makes sense.

the answer to part two is: NOPE! ...but...i *kinda* understand it, b/c while i agree with you, i know there are still ppl in the world who would find it disrespectful to have someone turn up to an event in denim! ...and not just in the middle east...my own mother has been known to look askance at denim-clad persons in church, or at dressy family gatherings. silly? of course! but then we all have our silly "things" i guess.

re the memos: i HOPE they are just the "foundation" that's being set down so that when the policy-violators are spoken to personally, they cannot say, "but i didn't KNOW we weren't allowed to wear tube tops!"; if management is NOT following up with the non-complying individuals then they might as well save their breath, b/c frankly tube-top-wearing middle-eastern-resident "business women" are just NOT the kind of folks who're gonna take a hint!!! :)