Saturday, August 18, 2007

Darnedest Things Kids Say!

Last summer I stayed for a few days with my College friend now married, on my visit to the Capital. Her young son calls me “Maasi” which is an Aunt from the mother’s side. Like all small boys he was fascinated with my mobile phone (which was of a different model from the ones which his Parents had) and the ipod (my travelling companion)……. and had thousands of questions.

When night came he didn’t want to leave when his mother told him to go to bed….instead he asked if he could sleep with me in the guest room. My friend explained that “Maasi” could not sleep with anyone. Not very convinced, he wondered aloud “What would “Maasi” do when she gets married?”

1 comment:

lauren bergold said...

HA!!!!!!!!! i think you have a little conquest, there, and he sounds like one smart little dude! :)