Monday, January 28, 2008

Mongrels "cleverer" than pedigree

A study carried on man's best friend by some researchers at the Aberdeen University in the United Kingdom has found that mongrels are cleverer than their pedigree chums. It seems crossbreeds have better spatial awareness and problem solving abilities than pedigrees.

I personally think too from my observations.....that mongrels are smarter! Similarly, kids of cross cultural marriages are also better in terms of genetics. They are loads smarter and they are all so good looking! Think of it...the Black, the White, the Brown,....a day may come in future....when we will all be Just Beige! Wouldn't that be wonderful?! Racialism would cease!

1 comment:

lauren bergold said...

you know, i've heard that...about "mutts" as we call them in the USA...being smarter than pedigree dogs! people say they are better with children, too, calmer, more friendly etc...

wouldn't it be COOL if we humans could finally all see each other as just FELLOW HUMANS and not a color...or a nationality...or a member of this or that religion!

of course then we'd kill each other over hair color, or divide into tall and short...or vegetarians and meat-eaters...or...well, some other silly thing probably.

but what a nice *DREAM*!!! :)