Thursday, June 19, 2008

Facebook - Friend Request

Recently I have been flooded with "Friend Request" on Facebook. (Oh! "flooded" sounds nice, I know.....but seriously less than 10 in a span of a month!) It would have been interesting if these were from people whom I know or from someone whom I knew ages back. Alas, this is not the case.

These requests are coming from guys who's sole interest I can see is to collect "friends".... from the fairer sex. The sprinkling of guys that I see on their profile, I can safely assume must be their friends or relatives. Their Profile boasts hundreds of friends! Is there a contest that I am not aware of? What could be the purpose of adding "friends"?

I do not mind making new friends provided we share an interest. After all "Friends are but strangers waiting to be met."......someone said. I also find it very impolite not acknowledging, hence I try to....after all you never know.........he could be a friend!

Below exchanges really took place.....on Facebook.

Request #1
Me - I do not seem to recall knowing you. Have we met before? Please let me know as my memory fails me!
Him - hi, i do remmber that y r the most pretty girl i was ever know

Uhhhhhh??? Give me a break!

Request #2
Me -
I am positive that we have not met. Why do you want to add me to your list?!

This one never came back! Thank God!

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