Thursday, April 24, 2008

My Exit Interview

Leave aside giving an Exit Interview ever, I had never heard of this till I resigned a few days back.....seriously.

Today, I had My Exit 10.00 in the morning. There were 2 sets of Questions - one from the Company's HR Dept and the other from the Division I was in, which is the "Fashion & Footwear" HR Dept.

In any Interview there's always the Do's and the Dont's....but as always, I stuck with honesty and said what I personally examples to support my statements. Though the interview was not important for me as it is for the company if they seriously want to retain their Employees....and if my feedbacks could benefit my colleagues who remains here, I would be very happy.

The 3 main grievance areas according to me are :-
(1) Monetary benefits
(2) Career Growth
(3) Bonus & Promotion

All the above 3 should be centralized and not rest solely in the hands of the Line Manager of a Brand. It is unfair that when one works very hard but is not rewarded with Bonus or Promotion just because the Brand the person is in, did not achieve/perform or due to Budget constrain. On the other hand a New Joiner in a performing Brand would reap the Bonus benefits should the Brand achieve at the end of the year.

Another area which needs to be looked at is the culture of being paid by one's nationality/color/religion so prevalent here in the Middle East and not on one's qualification/experience is really not fair in today's modern world. The world is closing it's gap on racism but it's so glaring this part of the world.

One leaves the Company....usually.....most of the time....because the grass is greener the other side.


Shoonyata said...

Great! happy for you...all the very best for a new beginning!

Are you going to be in India?


ra said...

hey, u aware that you're supposed to work only half days till the end?

check with HR.

good luck

Mirandian said...

Shoon, thanks for the wishes! No, not in India.

Ra, whosoever told you that was pulling a fast one on you! Thanks for the wishes though!