As the recession bites, every little penny counts. Suppliers are chasing everyday for their payment. We deal with more than hundred brands and so each day there would be at least minimum 10 Suppliers chasing for their payments as well as a few phone calls asking for the same. It is getting a bit stressful dealing with payments, a task which has been thrusted on to me apart from handling logistics, IT not to mention the job that I am suppose to be doing.... Planning Merchandise!
This morning a letter which landed on my desk however made me smile in the midst of all this. It started with .....
"Dear Sirs,We are despairingly looking for your remittance for the following invoices....."Beside it was a picture which spoke a thousand words. It simply made me laugh!
That is cute :)
Nice they at least have a sense of humor about it!
Craig, thought so too. :)
Nice of you to drop by. Thanks.
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