A little bit of this and a little bit of that... anything that interests me, makes me laugh or cry, pull my hair out or makes me go hmmmmm!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
This Year's Resolutions
"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute my this year's resolutions and will to the best of my ability achieve what I have set myself to before the end of the year. So help me all, with your words of encouragement!" Mirandian.
PS:- Spot the differences or/and the similarities between Bridget's and Mirandian's Resolutions.
I like the list. By the way the dog is not mine (he is a beautiful dog) though I wish he could have been. He belongs to a Greenlandic sled driver from the town of Quaanaq.
Amaroq - Noted u like my list, thanks! Yes, he's a beautiful dog.
Nasim - Nice to know that you like my Profile Pic...my feet! (Blushing!)And I saw your answers, thanks.
Shoon - Hmmm...need to ponder on it..but regarding Point 8, am not waiting for 3 months! As for the comparison, this was 2B between the 2 resolutions! All the same thanks 4 voting for my fingers?! (Blush-blush!)
I work in the Retail Industry which can be puzzling and stressful at times. Traveling is one of my passion which I pursue whenever I have the time or whenever the humdrum of life bogs me down.
I like the list. By the way the dog is not mine (he is a beautiful dog) though I wish he could have been. He belongs to a Greenlandic sled driver from the town of Quaanaq.
Nice to meet you here. I answered your questions one by one.
liked your photo :)
:))) do 1, do 3. do 4, but with much more intensity. After 3 months do 8. Rest will happen by itself!
On comparison between M and B..M certainly has nicer fingers :)
Amaroq - Noted u like my list, thanks! Yes, he's a beautiful dog.
Nasim - Nice to know that you like my Profile Pic...my feet! (Blushing!)And I saw your answers, thanks.
Shoon - Hmmm...need to ponder on it..but regarding Point 8, am not waiting for 3 months! As for the comparison, this was 2B between the 2 resolutions! All the same thanks 4 voting for my fingers?! (Blush-blush!)
I hope you are able to fulfill your resolutions, Mirandian. With hard work and a bit of luck, I'm sure you will do it.
Iraqi Mojo - Thank you for your confidence in me...and also for your wishes!
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